Title: Unpacking the Life of Young Children in Foster Care
Date: Feb 18th, 2025
Time: 10am CST/ 11am EST
Description: This training provides a foundational understanding for early childhood educators when building connections with young children in foster care. This training will walk educators through the TN DCS child welfare processes, explore the different systems and professionals who provide services to young youth in foster care, and share stories that provide context, as well as a deeper understanding of their daily lives. The goals of this training are to assist early childhood educators in expanding their lens of the complex world of child welfare, including how the meaningful work they do every day directly correlates to improved positive health outcomes for these children.
*This training is catalogued with TrainTN as a Healh & Safety ECE licensure training for engaging families and diversity.
Presenter(s): Sarah Manley Judkins, MSW, ECMH-E®
Hello, I’m Sarah Manley Judkins, the Child Welfare Sector Coordinator at AIMHiTN. I am thrilled to join AIMHiTN in it’s progressive work in the 0-6 world. I graduated from Belmont University with my Bachelor’s of Social Work, and Tennessee State University with my Master’s of Social Work.
I worked in the child welfare world, in various shapes and forms, for about a decade. The bulk of my work was in the severe child abuse unit with child protective services investigations. After that, I worked in inpatient mental health treatment. I am passionate about the importance of early childhood years. I have two young children, so this work is very personal to me.