Archived Trainings and Learning Opportunities
Alliance Trainings and National Learning Opportunities
For the password to open the Alliance Webinars, please email AIMHiTN at AmyJ@AIMHiTN.org. Thank you.
Alliance Webinar - Infant Mental Health Specialist - Parts 1 & 2
Alliance Webinar - Infant Mental Health Mentor - Parts 1 & 2
State Trainings and Learning Opportunities
High Hopes Development Center
Tennessee Commission on Children and Youth
Tennessee Commission on Children and Youth - Adverse Childhood Experiences
Lean Into You - A Self-care Podcast for Educators. Tune in Wednesdays.
Advocacy Learning Opportunities
Brain Development Learning Opportunities
FrameWorks - Brain Animation
Harvard University - Building Adult Capabilities to Improve Child Outcomes
Harvard University - The Case for Science-Based Innovation in Early Childhood
Harvard University - The Science of Early Childhood Development
Harvard University - The Science of Neglect
Harvard University - Three Core Concepts in Early Development
Nadine Burke Harris - How Childhood Drama Affects Health Across a Lifetime
TED Talk - How TV Affects the Brains of Young Children
Download further information about "4 Little Words" and Infant Mental Health (IMH).
(PDF opens in a new window and can be saved to your computer.)
Allied Behavioral Health Solutions and the Association of Infant Mental Health in Tennessee (AIMHiTN) reached out to the Alliance to partner around the creation and development of a 5 video series to examine what it means to observe, listen, wonder, and respond when working with infants, young children, and their families. These "4 Little Words", coined by Deborah Weatherston, PhD, IMH-E®, have been a framework for many infant-young child and family professionals.
Join the following presenters on a video journey about building emotional resilience:
Deborah Weatherston, PhD, IMH-E®
Fran Jozefowicz, MSN, RN, IMH-E®
Kristina Figaro, LMSW, IMH-E®
Melissa Threadgould, LMSW, IMH-E®
Finally, we invite you to join with your colleagues and/or members of your association for infant mental health to participate in this series.
You may consider having a brown bag lunch over the course of 5-weeks and examine one video from the series each time. Or you may wish to share all of the video clips at once and then come together to have a large group discussion about what you learned. There are numerous ways to use these resources -- get creative!
Please note: the knowledge/skills covered in these videos align with the Competency Guidelines® and viewing the videos can be recorded in your Endorsement® application within the training section.