AIMHiTN is a professional home for anyone whose work supports infants, young children, and their families. By joining AIMHiTN you become part of a multidisciplinary group that strives to foster young children’s early relational health and development. AIMHiTN invites individuals, students, and organizations to join.
Individual Member Fees and Benefits
Basic - $35
Included on AIMHiTN’s membership network
Information sharing among the early childhood workforce
Access to AIMHiTN’s training library with recordings from past and current trainings
Discounts on AIMHiTN resources and materials
Notifications about upcoming events, trainings, conferences, and other opportunities related to early relational health
Access to AIMHiTN’s Online Community Platform to connect and collaborate with other members
Priority enrollment for all AIMHiTN training and events
AIMHiTN membership provides eligibility for discounts on MI-AIMH trainings, publications, and products from the MI-AIMH website (mi-aimh.org), as part of AIMHiTN’s affiliation with the Alliance for the Advancement of Infant Mental Health
Student or Retiree - $25
Same as the Basic tier.
This membership is for individuals who support AIMHiTN’s mission and wish to access membership benefits, including those interested in seeking Infant Mental Health Endorsement (IMH-E®).
Organizational Member Fees and Benefits
Silver Membership Package - $150
Organization name, logo, and website link featured on the AIMHiTN website
Membership for 5 staff (each additional staff member: $25)
Included on AIMHiTN’s membership network
Information sharing among the early childhood workforce
Access to AIMHiTN’s training library with recordings from past and current trainings
Discounts on AIMHiTN resources and materials
Notifications about upcoming events, trainings, conferences, and other opportunities related to early relational health
Access to AIMHiTN’s Online Community Platform to connect and collaborate with other members
Priority enrollment for all AIMHiTN training and events
AIMHiTN membership provides eligibility for discounts on MI-AIMH trainings, publications, and products from the MI-AIMH website (mi-aimh.org), as part of AIMHiTN’s affiliation with the Alliance for the Advancement of Infant Mental Health
Your agency’s members receive one Professional Pathways training of your choice (from a provided list)
Gold Membership Package - $250
Organization name, logo, and website link featured on the AIMHiTN website
Membership for 5 staff (each additional staff member: $30)
Included on AIMHiTN’s membership network
Information sharing among the early childhood workforce
Access to AIMHiTN’s training library with recordings from past and current trainings
Discounts on AIMHiTN resources and materials
Notifications about upcoming events, trainings, conferences, and other opportunities related to early relational health
Access to AIMHiTN’s Online Community Platform to connect and collaborate with other members
Priority enrollment for all AIMHiTN training and events
AIMHiTN membership provides eligibility for discounts on MI-AIMH trainings, publications, and products from the MI-AIMH website (mi-aimh.org), as part of AIMHiTN’s affiliation with the Alliance for the Advancement of Infant Mental Health
Your agency’s members receive one Professional Pathways training of your choice (from a provided list)
Your agency’s members receive a 1.5-hour Journey to Endorsement training tailored to your agency's scope of practice
Your agency’s members receive a 30-minute follow-up Endorsement support call for assistance in completing their Endorsement application
Please Note:
In the event of staff turnover, member organizations may update designated staff names.
As a complimentary membership is included with Endorsement, endorsed staff members can be added to your organizational membership at no additional cost.
AIMHiTN Community Supporters - Organizational Members
Click on the organization's name for more information.
Centers of Excellence for Children in State Custody: https://www.tn.gov/dcs/program-areas/child-health/cecs.html
Centerstone: https://www.centerstone.org
Early Connections Network: https://www.earlyconnectionsnetwork.org
ETSU Center of Excellence for Early Childhood Learning & Development: https://www.etsu.edu/coe/childhood/
Exchange Club/Holland J. Stephens Center for the Prevention of Child Abuse: https://www.stephenscenter.org
The Giving Tree Academy Inc: https://www.thegivingtreeacademy.org
Helen Ross McNabb Center: https://www.mcnabbcenter.org
Kids Putnam: https://www.kidsputnam.org
Le Bonheur Children’s Hospital: https://www.lebonheur.org
Mini Miracles Pediatric Therapy: https://www.minimiraclespeds.com
MTSU Home and Community-Based Early Intervention Program: https://www.mtsu.edu/education/early-intervention.php
Nurses for Newborns: https://www.nursesfornewborns.org
Nurture the Next: https://www.nurturethenext.org
Parents as Teachers: https://www.parentsasteachers.org
Physical Therapy Services of Tennessee: https://www.ptstn.net
Porter-Leath: https://www.porterleath.org
Prevent Child Abuse Tennessee: https://www.pcat.org
Signal Centers: https://www.signalcenters.org
SRVS: https://www.srvs.org
STRONG: Accountable Care Community: https://www.strongacc.org
TACEE (Tennessee Association for the Education of Young Children): https://www.tacee.org
Tennessee CASA: https://www.tncasa.org
Tennessee Voices for Children: https://www.tnvoices.org
The University of Tennessee Health Science Center's Department of Pediatrics: https://www.uthsc.edu/pediatrics
Vanderbilt University School of Nursing: https://nursing.vanderbilt.edu
Volunteer Behavioral Healthcare System: https://www.vbhcs.org
West Tennessee Healthcare: https://www.wth.org