Title: Keep Calm and Teach On: Turning Stress into Strength
Date: Jan 28th, 2025
Time: 10amCST/ 11amEST
Description: This training session is designed to equip Educators with effective tools and strategies for managing stress in all the environments little frequent. Educators often face various pressures; this training will explore practical techniques for maintaining emotional well-being while fostering a positive learning environment. Building resilience, fostering strong teacher-student relationships, and creating a calm and supportive culture are targets all Educators strive to meet. Whether you are a new or experienced Educator, this training will provide valuable insights to help you thrive in your role and support success for the children you serve.
*This training is catalogued with TrainTN as a Health & Safety ECE licensure training for resiliency.
Presenter(s): Mandy Royston, B.S., IECMH-E