Title: Emergency Response Toolkit: Putting Prepare into Practice (1/3)
Date: January 30th, 2025
Time: 5-6pm CST/ 6-7pm EST
Description: Emergency Response Toolkit: Putting Prepare into Practice, is a three-part series. This training will be part one of three, digging deeper into AIMHiTN's Emergency Response Toolkit. This part will focus on the first pillar, Preparation, of the toolkit. The training will highlight enhancing foster parents understanding of how emergencies can impact infant and early childhood mental health. Foster parents will practice what an early relational approach to emergency preparedness may look like through break out room scenarios. Additionally, will utilize the toolkit to prepare foster parents and families for emergencies and/or Natural Disasters, as we aim to support the children and families in our community.
Please reference the Emergency Response Toolkit link below for a free download of the toolkit.
*This training is for the STARS program, targeting the Child Welfare sector.
Katie Woodard, B.S. IMHE
I'm Katie Woodard and I joined the AIMHiTN team in January 2022. In 2012, I graduated from Tennessee Tech University with a Bachelor’s degree in Child Development and Family Relations. Before joining AIMHiTN, I worked in various social service settings, promoting health in the community and ensuring that quality child care was available in the Upper Cumberland region.
In January of 2023, I took on the role of Emergency Preparedness Specialist at AIMHiTN. My interest in emergency response was sparked in March of 2020 when a tornado hit my community in middle Tennessee, particularly Cookeville. This event emphasized to me the crucial need to prepare children, educators, and families for emergencies, not just physically but also from a social and emotional standpoint.