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TN IECMH ECHO Doula: Reflective Space

  • Association of Infant Mental Health in Tennessee 446 Metroplex Drive Nashville, TN, 37211 United States (map)

Title: TN IECMH ECHO Doula Reflective Space

Date: February 3rd, 2024

Time: 12-1pm CST/1- 2pm EST

Description: Come together for a reflective space session, where doulas can experience a shared journey of knowledge enhancement, collective support, and professional collaboration!

This virtual community is open to doulas in Tennessee!

The ECHO platform is centered around sharing knowledge so ALL are welcome whether you're new in the field or have 20+ years of experience!

To register

January 30

Emergency Response Toolkit: Putting Prepare into Practice

February 6

The Buddy Superpower: Strengthening Our Classrooms Through Peer Buddies