Title: Time: Is it a Gift or Requirement?
Date: Jan 16th, 2025
Time: 4pm CST/ 5pm EST
Description: We are gifted each day with multiple opportunities to impact little lives with safety and security by building relationships, modeling, and fostering critical skill development. Yet, how can we manage that when it often seems our days control us? This training will take a look at classroom routines, from the lens of opportunity. Aiming to challenge us to harness the expectations of licensing protocols, knowledge, and our own expectations, while also enhancing play, skill building, and learning. We will grab ahold of several things' educators share as challenging, such as teaching children the ability to wait, the never-ending dumping of toys, lack of social or emotional engagement, and many more, throwing them on their head in search of opportunity in each challenge.
*This training is catalogued with TrainTN as a Healh & Safety ECE licensure training for diversity, equity, and inclusion.
Janet Parks, M.Ed., Early Interventionist.
Janet Parks has served more than thirty years and in a variety of roles in the field of early childhood and early childhood exceptional education. She currently serves as a Developmental Therapist at Siskin Children’s Institute providing support and collaborative consultations with families and community-based teachers. Her focus is early intervention and developing relationships and connections with both children and families to support growth, development, and community participation.