Title: Stories from the Field: FInding Your Neurodivergent Voice in a Neurotypical World
Date: March 15th, 2024
Time: 9:30am - 10:30am CST/10:30am - 11:30am EST
Join us as we connect and encourage parents with Danielle Preston, a parent, advocate for her own children, and a mother of super powers. Daniella has been married to her high-school sweet heart for ten years and together they have three beautiful children. They are what you would call a neurodivergent family with two children with special needs. Her oldest, Owen, was diagnosed with Nonverbal Autism seven years ago and their middle son, Troy, was diagnosed with Combined Type ADHD a year ago. Danielle has her degree in Education and furthered her professional development as she taught both typical and non-typical students for over a decade. Danielle has had the opportunity to lead and be lead by some amazing special needs parents on her amazing journey of life. She looks forward to sharing what had worked for her children and family over the years as she navigated finding her voice in a Nerotypical world. Danielle will share how finding her own voice impacted herself, her children, and family, while enouraging us to all find our own voice in our everyday lives.
Presenter(s): Danielle Preston