Title: Stories from the Field: Family Harmony Center featuring a continual and contextual training targeting a neurodevelopmental approach to Adoptive/Foster Care Family Support.
Date: December 6th, 2023
Time: 10:00am-11:00amCST//11:00am-12:00pmEST
Speaker: Allison Cooke Douglas, M.S., IMH-E®
Description: Family Harmony Center provides one of the most comprehensive statewide post adoption support programs in the country. The Adoption Support and Preservation (ASAP) program is deeply rooted in Dr. Bruce Perry's Neurodevelopmental Model of Therapeutics, a neurodevelopmentally-informed, biologically respectful perspective on human development and functioning that allows parents, clinicians, and other professionals to better understand children’s behavior and development and to choose the most effective interventions. In our time together, Allison will introduce the basics of the Neurodevelopmental Model, including principles of neurodevelopment, Perry’s “6 R’s” (Relational, Relevant, Repetitive, Rewarding, Rhythmic and Respectful), the continual and contextual nature of therapy for Complex Developmental Trauma and how Harmony can support adopted children, their families and the systems that serve them.