Title: Emergency Response Toolkit: Putting Prepare into Practice
Date: December 13th, 2023
Time: 1:00pm CST/ 2:00pm EST
Presenter: Katie Woodard, BS, IMH-E®
Description: Emergency Response Toolkit: Putting Prepare into Practice, a three-part series. This training will be part one of three, digging deeper into AIMHiTN's Emergency Response Toolkit. This part will focus on the first pillar, Preparation, of the toolkit. The training will highlight enhancing professional understanding of how emergencies can impact infant and early childhood mental health. Professionals will practice what an early relational approach to emergency preparedness may look like through break out room scenarios. Additionally, will utilize the toolkit to prepare professionals (home visitors) and families for emergencies and/or Natural Disasters, as we aim to support the children and families in our community.
Please reference the Emergency Response Toolkit link below for a free download of the toolkit.