Title: Celebrate Babies through Parenting: Bringing Celebration into Every Aspect of the Day
Date: Tuesday, October 15th, 2024
Time: 12 - 1pm CST/ 1 - 2pm EST
Description: One of the core treasures that babies bring to our world is the gift and unending surprise of parenting. Heather Stargel comes to share her story, highlighting her experience through the adoption of her son, Drew, at seven weeks old, their family's journey of learning and adapting to the life changing diagnoses of Prune Belly Syndrome, and the passion she has for celebrating every aspect of Drew, beyond the title of medical needs. Heather's heart radiates this passion through her volunteered time as a Parent Mentor with the Family Advisory Council at Erlanger Hospital, work in her local children's church ministry and community, and within her own home, where homeschooling, inpatient and outpatient procedures, and the Tennessee Vols are abundant. Heather and her husband, Ryan, take every day in stride, as the NICU, PICU, and medical operations of Drew can often be viewed as overwhelming. For every moment of regulated deep breathing, there have been a dozen more moments of thankfulness. Come join us as we refocus our heart and minds on the why of what we as professionals do everyday.
Presenter(s): Heather Stargel, Parent Speaker