Title: Best Practice for Serving Infants, Toddlers, and Young Children in the Child Welfare System
Date: Feb 22-23rd, 2024
Time: 8:30amCST/9:30amEST
Presenters: Corrine Lewis, LCSW, IMH-E & Karisa Johns Smith, Psy. D
Description: When Balancing Feels Like Juggling: Supporting infants and young children in foster care through the lens of attachment. This training is tailored towards clinicians, who are working to support healthy, relational development for young children and their families, while also working closely with the child welfare system. This training supports clinicians, who work in the lives of children under six and their families involved with the child welfare system. Participants will have the opportunity to learn how to assess and meet the unique needs of our state’s most vulnerable children. Theoretical foundations of attachment, child development, and trauma will be expanded upon to support best practices for serving these children across systems. To enhance clinical skillsets this training with integrate recordings, case vignettes, and small group activities.
*Applications are due by Feb 9th, 2024.