Title: Stories from the Field: Isaiah 117 House (Foster Care & Adoption)
Date: January 9, 2024
T ime: 10:00am-11:00amCST//11:00am-12:00pmEST
Speaker: Rhonda Paulson
Description: Ronda Paulson, and her husband Corey, answered a calling to provide physical and emotional support in a safe and loving home for children on one of the worst days of their lives – Removal Day. It was in their own Path Training (to become Foster Parents) that they learned what a typical removal day looked like for children and then they saw first-hand on their now adopted son, Isaiah’s removal day. Ronda knew something needed to be done to reduce the trauma for these children and to lighten the very heavy load of the case workers. What if there was a home?
Isaiah 117 House opened its first red door in Carter County, TN in 2017. There are now (as of this writing) 19 open homes, and another 34 in various stages of opening. The mission is now serving 12 states and continues to grow.
Isaiah 117 House 3-fold mission:
Reduce trauma for children entering foster care
Lighten the load of our case workers
Walk beside our foster families to ensure they have everything they need to say "yes" to future placements
Find out more information at: Isaiah 117 House