Endorsement Policies

Annual Renewal of AIMHiTN Endorsement

In order to renew Endorsement annually, the following is required:

  • On-going membership in AIMHiTN is encouraged

  • 15 clock hours of training related to culturally-sensitive, relationship-focused practice promoting infant and early childhood mental health.  If you are a provider of RSC, at least 3 hours of the 15 hours required need to be about the provision of RSC. Starting in 2024, all endorsed professionals will need at least one hour of DEI (diversity, equity and inclusion) training, specific to IECMH, each year for renewal as well

  • 12 clock hours of RSC annually for professionals endorsed at IFS/ECFS, IFRS/ECFRS, IMHS/ECMHS, and IMHM-C/ECMHM-C*

*This renewal requirement applies to all IFS/ECFS, IFRS/ECFRS, IMHS/ECMHS and IMHM-C/ECMHM-C professionals, regardless of when Endorsement was originally earned.

Reinstatement if Endorsement Lapses

Endorsement renewal period is October 1st – December 31st each year. If a practitioner fails to update annual Endorsement renewal hours by December 31st of any year, they will be removed from the Endorsement Registry.

If removed from the Endorsement Registry, a professional must:

  • Log into EASy https://aimhitn.myeasy.org/

  • Add education, work, in-service training, and RSC experiences that have been accrued since removal from the registry

  • Get three updated reference ratings (via EASy)

  • Submit your application and email your Endorsement Support Team (Endorsement@aimhitn.org) to let them know that you are reinstating your Endorsement. 

 If the endorsee previously passed the exam, they do not have to retake the exam to be reinstated.

Applying for AIMHiTN Endorsement as an Out of State Applicant

AIMHiTN cannot accept Endorsement applications from those who reside outside of Tennessee.   Even if the Applicant works in Tennessee, if the applicant resides in another state, they must apply for Endorsement in the state in which they reside.  If an applicant works in a state that has Endorsement but resides in a state that does not have Endorsement AND the applicant’s employer requires Endorsement, it may be possible for the applicant to earn Endorsement through the Alliance for the Advancement of Infant Mental Health.  To see if Endorsement is available where you reside, please visit The Alliance for the Advancement of Infant Mental Health.  Please contact Kelly Sipotz at ksipotz@allianceaimh.org if you think you might need to apply for Endorsement through the Alliance.

Changing / Adding Endorsement Category

Applicants may desire to earn multiple categories of Endorsement based on their professional journey and scope of work practice. If you would like to change Endorsement categories, please contact AIMHiTN’s Endorsement Support Team (Endorsement@aimhitn.org) for assistance applying for the pathway of Endorsement that best fits your scope of practice.

To assure fulfillment of the Endorsement requirements as specified, an endorsed professional will “add a new Endorsement application” within their EASy application.  AIMHiTN recommends that this is done a minimum of 4-6weeks before submitting your application to assure that all of the requirements are understood, that there is adequate time for preparation for the IMHS/ECMHS or IMHM/ECMHM Endorsement exam, and that the application is updated with new information pertinent to the applicant’s current status (including contact information).

Reflective Supervision/Consultation (RSC)

RSC is distinct due to the shared exploration of the parallel process. That is, attention to all of the relationships is important, including the ones between practitioner and supervisor, between practitioner and parent, and between parent and infant/toddler. It is critical to understand how each of these relationships affects the others. Of additional importance, RSC relates to professional and personal development within one’s discipline by attending to the emotional content of the work and how reactions to the content affect the work. Finally, there is often greater emphasis on the supervisor/consultant’s ability to listen and wait, allowing the supervisee to discover solutions, concepts, and perceptions on their own without interruption from the supervisor/consultant.


The primary objectives of RSC include the following:

  • Form a trusting relationship between supervisor and practitioner

  • Establish consistent and predictable meetings and times

  • Ask questions that encourage details about the infant, parent/caregiver, and emerging relationship

  • Remain emotionally present

  • Teach/guide

  • Nurture/support

  • Apply the integration of emotion and reason

  • Foster the reflective process to be internalized by the supervisee

  • Explore the parallel process and to allow time for personal reflection

  • Attend to how reactions to the content affect the process


RSC is required for the following categories of Endorsement: Infant/Early Childhood Family Specialist; Infant/Early Childhood Family Reflective Supervisor; Infant/Early Childhood Mental Health Specialist; Infant/Early Childhood Mental Health Mentor.  See the requirements for each category of Endorsement for more information.

Click here for a list of qualified RSC providers.

AIMHiTN is working to expand our capacity to provide reflective supervision opportunities. Email your Endorsement Support Team (Endorsement@aimhitn.org) if you need assistance connecting to a reflective supervision provider. 

 Policy on Submission of an Incomplete Application

If an applicant submits an incomplete application, the applicant will be contacted by AIMHiTN’s Endorsement Support Team requesting the missing information. The application will be switched to “In Progress” until all requirements have been completed and the applicant can submit their application again.

Endorsement Reference Ratings

Reference ratings for Endorsement are critically important.  They are our primary source for documenting an applicant’s skills in the domains of Reflection, Working with Others, and Thinking.  Reference rating forms are filled out electronically via EASy.  An Endorsement applicant enters the name and email address of the rater and then the EASy system emails the rater a secure link for completing the form.


Reviewing the questions from the reference rating form is recommended both for applicants and raters.  The questions can be used in a supervision session to mutually assess the applicant’s professional progress.  

To view the reference rating questions, click on the appropriate link below. 

(PLEASE NOTE:  These files contain the questions but should NOT be used as a part of an application.  Reference rating forms must be completed electronically via link from EASy https://aimhitn.myeasy.org/ .

Tips for Applicants:

  • If the reference is your supervisor (program and/or reflective), consider looking over the questions together in supervision and requesting feedback

  • Ask your reference provider if they would be willing to complete a form (electronically) for you

  • Be sure each reference is familiar enough with your work, knowledge, & skills to provide ratings


Tips for Raters:

  • Have you known the applicant well enough to answer the questions?

  • If the applicant is part of an RSC group that you facilitate, have you heard enough from this applicant to feel that you know their skills well enough to rate them?

  • For IMH-E®, Is the applicant providing direct service to families of infants/toddlers (0-36 months)?

  • For ECMH-E®, Is the applicant providing direct service to families of young children (3 up to 6-years)?

  • If it is an IFRS/ECFRS or IMHM/ECMHM- Clinical applicant, are you familiar with their skills as a provider of RSC (and not only as a practitioner)?

  • Consider reviewing the reference rating questions (see below) with the applicant periodically to help track your assessment of their progress over time

  • If you have reservations, have you shared them directly with the applicant?

  • If you have reservations, consider either declining the request to provide a reference or indicating that you do not recommend. We occasionally see very low scores, but with an overall recommendation to endorse, which can be confusing for reviewers and applicants.