April Scott

 April Scott, M.A., Ed.S., IMH-E® (she/her) has been with Centerstone for over 18 years developing prenatal, infant, and early childhood services and systems in a 30-county area with multigenerational approaches to promoting equitable positive childhood experiences to protect children’s mental health across the lifespan. As a certified Healthy Outcomes from Positive Experiences (H.O.P.E.) Champion, she serves as Director for Centerstone’s Healthy Start Tennessee, Project LAUNCH, Regional Intervention Program, Healthier Beginnings evidence-based home visiting, Tennessee Youth Prevention Services, Project BASIC, Violence and Bullying Prevention, and Be Sharp programs. In addition, she represents Centerstone on various state and national collective impact groups for resilient-oriented practices, upstream wellness, mitigation of childhood trauma, equity, and community resilience. To learn more about how Centerstone provides a full range of upstream prevention, mental health and substance use disorder services call 1-877-HOPE123.